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Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:36 am
by marty1981

I thought the episodew as pretty good, actually got to hear kitt talk more and his personality actually got to life. Though there is no real surprise that karr would not return to transam status. i mean if he did would of runied the orignall show, he was destroyed after all. be intrested how it will go down if he turns up as a robot.

But generanlly i think the show is fantanstic, good action and story lines too

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:08 am
by trissybabes
Did the 2 sides of KI3T's scanner look out of alignment in the pink stripe soft top 'stang or was that just me?

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:22 am
by BlueChaos
It did look misaligned. As if they just place 2 red scanner lights in there. Not good.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:00 am
by Knight-Armen
I think this was a very thrilling and exciting episode! I like the fact that we get to see a bigger sign of attachement between Mike and his partner Ki3t when he saves all of those moments from pevious missions.
The fact that Karr is a cyborg gives the creators a chance to turn him into different objects. In this case we might even get to see how Karr tricks Mike into thinking that he's Ki3t and... well you know how it goes.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:52 am
by J.A.L
It just came to me that this new Knight Rider has nothing to do with the original series. Now I know that they show a Trans-Am in the backdoor pilot but on the new series they not once talk about the knight 2000 and now KARR is a cyborg . So folks this is a remake of Knight Rider so don’t expect to see anything about the original like the bionic woman that NBC had earlier in the year :dash:

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:28 am
by KARR2K2
It was a kince try, but you kan't re-create Karr, I think the writers and GST should chaulk KITTS info are KARR to a glich since MIchael was tinkering with his engine. Perhaps the transformers vehicle they showed us could be some other secret project Mike worked on. I am sure other fans agree we would much rather see a flashing yelllow light in front of John Stanton face and the hear a voice Hello John, and then the yellow light lunges towards his face.....Kut to end credits and next episode for sweeps bring back the orginal KARR, I am sure you kan make a good reason for him to have been resored to a Trans AM after all if Ice man kan play KITT anthing is possible. :karr:

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:46 am
by goldbug
J.A.L wrote:It just came to me that this new Knight Rider has nothing to do with the original series. Now I know that they show a Trans-Am in the backdoor pilot but on the new series they not once talk about the knight 2000 and now KARR is a cyborg . So folks this is a remake of Knight Rider so don’t expect to see anything about the original like the bionic woman that NBC had earlier in the year :dash:
List of references to the original series so far in KR08 and its pilot:

1. Appearance of several KI2T parts in Charles Graiman's garage (Pilot movie).

2. References to "Knight Industries" (Pilot movie).

3. Direct reference to Wilton Knight and an "urban legend" about the most advanced AI ever created (Pilot movie).

4. KI3T is the "Knight Industries Three Thousand", meaning he is the next in line after the original KITT who was the "Knight Industries Two Thousand" (Pilot movie).

5. Mike's mother refers to the original "Trans Am" and asks if Charles has built "another" indicating there was one before. (Pilot movie).

6. Several of the robots in Charles Graiman's house had the red "scanner" most often identified with KI2T.

7. Appearance of Michael Knight Sr. and his quote of Wilton Knight's words to him. (Pilot movie).

8. Charles mentions "The Foundation". (Pilot movie).

9. Mike Traceur is revealed to be the son of Michael Knight Sr. who is said to have driven the original KI2T by Jennifer. (Pilot movie).

10. Mike mentions his father's "real name" was Michael Long ("A Knight in Shining Armor").

11. KI3T's scanner uses the original scanner sound effect fro the television series ("A Knight in Shining Armor).

12. KI3T turbo boosts. ("A Knight in Shining Armor", "Journey to the End of Knight").

13. "Devon" and "Bonnie" are used as cover aliases for Mike and Zoe. ("Knight of the Iguana").

14. Though not direct continuity ties, there are some sly visual references to TOS including KI3T having a "ski mode", the tri-bar voice modulator appearing in the orb and the still undecided "nu-KARR or not nu-KARR" issue.

Given all this, how can you even think this is not tied to the original?

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:14 am
by trissybabes
Guys - I just found an ACTUAL picture of new KARR based on those wireframe images KI3T flashed up...


Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:04 am
by Knight-Armen
HAHA! Wall-E is the new Knight Automated Roving Robot, well done!

What will they think of next? :D

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:17 am
by goldbug
Bwahahahahahaha! That's awesome. :)

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:48 am
by KRAvengerII
trissybabes wrote:Guys - I just found an ACTUAL picture of new KARR based on those wireframe images KI3T flashed up...

SKARR-E. :shock:

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:57 am
by standgeo
Actually there was no action involving kitt.I mean real street action. And what was that about karr? Now karr is a transformer and military weapon?
I think the only good point in the episode was kitt creating a personality of his own and his relationship with MIke going a bit further.
Will see what happens next.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:33 pm
by Kronos
Let's work with this here.
1) Charles mentioned that there were only 3 CPUs that could handle KI3Ts files. KI3Ts, the backup and KARRs.
So that being the case, the likelihood that KARR in some way has the original CPU is extremely slim. If it were the original cpu then KI3T would be able to use KI2Ts cpu.
2) KARR as a robot.
From the blueprints KI3T shows, the various robot forms are just some of the things that KARR can transform into. A car being one of them as well. Hmmmm where else have we seen something that can transform into something else. Oh that's right. KI3T. At the moment he can only transform into a few vehicles that we know of, but there is no reason he could not transform into other shapes or designs. KARR is KI3Ts prototype afterall. Would stand to reason that KI3T may well possess the same abilities as KARR albeit more refined.

We all loved the original KARR because he was the anti-KI2T. Identical in most every way except in his base programming. One programmed to protect life, one to preserve himself.

Now, we need a new KARR. The older one would have been rendered scrap in a fight with KI3T. The new KARR needs to be functionally identical in ability to KI3T. And throwing in a few new twists doesn't hurt. While I am not a big fan of the transforming KI3T thing, his shell is based on nano-technology and as such there should technically be almost no limit to what he can become. As apparently there isn't with the new KARR.
This promises to be a very interesting matchup.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:21 pm
by jeregano
OK, I've read plenty. I have some thoughts.

Purist: It's cute the way you want to demand everything be exactly like it was when I was a kid and loved this show, but this show has to bring in an audience that is more than just ME fans of the old show and also needs to be GOOD.

The old show had a lot of cheese, and this one has a lot of the same type of cheese which I like. I think the show is fun, like the old show. It pays homage too,and continues the story, but is not a remake of, the old show.

Now about the new transforming KARR.

It seems to me the story will be as such:
The military wanted a weapon/vehicle/robot. It needed to be slightly autonomous and since it was expensive it needed to be self-preserving when necessary. Even if you know self preservation is a "programing flaw" the military demands it, and so they will just add it if you don't.

As for the new shape and even as a possible note on the self preservation programing. No one seems to be mentioning how KI3T first brings KARR up in the first place: Self Programming, and that even KI3T sees it as something to be afraid of.

The military wanted an automated roving weapon that wouldn't make stupid decisions that get it blown up as the fastest easiest decisions and that is what they got, a MUSTANG (this is a new KARR based on new technologies and you'll have to learn to live with that too) which could program itself so it could adapt to life in the field, and which either through it's self-programing or due to a military demand for cost/reward balance was self preserving. As it programmed itself it programmed its nanotechnology (which allows KI3T to be a pink warrior edition mustang for halloween or a F150 when off roading) to take a shape that gave him height and appendages to be even more self sufficient.

Enjoy the show for what it is, a modern continuation that is staying true to the feel and tone of the original. Have fun with it people, don't impose your desire for it to be the old show on what is a good show now.

And there are my, admittedly, worthless 2 cents.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:30 pm
by weeezl
trissybabes wrote:Guys - I just found an ACTUAL picture of new KARR based on those wireframe images KI3T flashed up...


Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:35 pm
by NeoRanger
1) Charles mentioned that there were only 3 CPUs that could handle KI3Ts files. KI3Ts, the backup and KARRs.
So that being the case, the likelihood that KARR in some way has the original CPU is extremely slim. If it were the original cpu then KI3T would be able to use KI2Ts cpu.


Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:37 pm
by Stealthwalker
This show is making alot of progression & homages to the "original series" :good: !!!! & I'm really looking forward to seeing what's in store for the rest of the season, since NBC gave the series a "seal of approval".

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:08 pm
by cloudkitt
Kronos wrote:Now, we need a new KARR. The older one would have been rendered scrap in a fight with KI3T. The new KARR needs to be functionally identical in ability to KI3T.
No, the "older one" in his old body MIGHT have been rendered scrap in a fight with KI3T. But KARR's CPU in some military robot wouldn't. How it would fare in a fight would require a new body (since KARR's T/A blew up), but not a new CPU that Graiman for some reason built with both the same name and the same problem as the original flawed prototype.

(EDIT: 1000TH POST! 8) )

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:11 pm
by Mango19
You know, I'm kind of amazed no one has clued into this yet, but the key seems to lie in the addition of "cyborgnetic" and "exoskeleton." "Cyborg" implies a human element, and "exoskeleton" = armor???

This version of KARR may be a type of transforming powered battlesuit.

What if the military had Graimen incorporate the original KARR's CPU into the prototype, then suddenly it woke up when being tested in Iraq...

And guess which soldier was testing the suit when it ran amok? What if there was a neural "cyborg" interface that blew out - might cause some memory loss, don't you think? :D

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:23 pm
by Samborghini
so who is the host for K.A.R.R. now? it must be somebody, he did manage to get someone into the SSC undetected

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:29 pm
by Mango19
Samborghini wrote:so who is the host for K.A.R.R. now? it must be somebody, he did manage to get someone into the SSC undetected
Dunno. Pure supposition at this point. All we know for sure is that GST is going out of his way to toss "Cyborg" and "exoskeleton" into the acronym (no need for it, really, if it was just a sentient car like the original), and that memory-loss Mike has a sense of deja-vu when he looks at it...

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:03 pm
by youbelong
when i see this episode is written by GST i was affraid and after i seen it for me this is another bad episode of the 2008 version its badly writen badly realized and what this stupid idea of KARR as robot?? :D hey knight rider is not a transformers :roll: and Sarah and zoé is useless in this show for me this show is not a continuation of the original series it's farce and the joke et and the guilty is GST please nbc Turn garry out of this show :arrow: because he Destroyed the knight rider mythology knight of the living dead 0/10 like knight in the shinig armor & the knight of the iguana like GST as showrunner of the show 0/10 please come back at the source of the tv pilote movie :good:

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:05 pm
by My_Friend_KITT
Trissy, that KARR-E is great. You even got the yellown scanners above the eyes. Wow! :lol:

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:12 pm
by My_Friend_KITT
Getting a little off the topic of KARR, if KITT can feel deceit and sentiment....can he feel anger and/or rage? He did say "no" to Charles. This just had me thinking.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: Knight of the Living Dead

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:27 pm
by gillmacca
Haven't read the whole thread so don't know if someone has mentioned this, but I can't see how Kitt in his current form as a car can take on KARR (as a robot). I'm sure KARR will have weapons, and all KITT can do is run away, unless he can transform into a robot (might be in his database).

Another thought on how to bring the old KITT back is, to have the original Michael Knight being asked to drive KITT on some misson (possible to save son). He turn's it down as it wouldn't be the same. Graiman then says, 'Maybe this will help'. Then turns to KITT as he transforms into a trans-am