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Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:25 am
by Tony P Knight Driver
Garthe..dear Garthe,
This is called creative license.

That's where you start out making one thing, you tell everyone this is exactly what you are doing.Then you quietly try making something different,(only one parallel dimension different so its ok no one will notice )..But guess what everyone notices, and even better is the fact that, no one likes what you tried so... Now you back paddle to get back to where you should have been at the very begining. Along the way you waste god knows how much money on creating episodes, and special effects for almost 1/2 a season and you just about turbo boost a good show off the map.(sorry GST I had to go there). That my friend is called creative license.

Now the explanation you asked for:
Actually by bringing Wilton Knight and FLAg into the show, the have neatly (ok not realy neatly) connected the dots to the telemovie, and TOS which in itself makes a direct and indirect continuation of the orignial sieries and story line. There by saying the first KITT and the first KARR did exist 25 yers ago. Becuase in the telemovie Graimen built the first KITT for Wilton Knight. Knight Industries,Knight Foundation and FLAG are all direct links TOS. As for KI3T AI compared to 25 years ago, I would have to say it probably is the first of its kind, a learnig AI KI2T could input data but I dont think he could really learn on his own. Hope that helps explain it somewhat.

I only wish the series had started out with the last three or four epsiodes. It would have been a top rated show out of the gate and would have already been picked up for season 2.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:36 am
Tony P Knight Driver wrote:Garthe..dear Garthe,
This is called creative license.
They need their license revoked.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:55 am
by David Whiteheart
I saw it and I thought it should have been a two hour episode like the previous two were, but for what it was I liked it for the most part. Granted the fight scene was a little too short for my taste, and was there a blooper in the fight scene? Mike grunts and moves before KARR even strikes KITT. Maybe it was just me. If that's the case then the old filming tactics from TOS is back anyway. Other than the fight scene being too short and the depth of the plot reading more like a cliff notes version of a two hour episode, which is probably more NBC's fault than the producers, because of money and time and the whole "green" crap that NBC is pushing probably killed any chance of a to be continued episode.

I hope and pray that the woman who's in charge at NBC doesn't kill the series. Because from what I've seen in the previews for next weeks episode they are getting back to the way the old show was and they are getting kids under 15 involved like the original did. And this time there's no guy sitting under the passenger seat driving the car, this one is actually a real RC car.

Do you think that the death of Dr. Graiman was a conspiracy by Torres to get the CSS (what does that stand for anyway?) shut down and the KARR project resurrected or am I nuts?

The whole throwing out the conection to the original series out the window I believe has not happened yet. They had to do these episodes this way to get a "new " generation, our kids, to watch this series since some have never seen the original nor care to watch it since it is "cheesy" as Hasselhoff's own kids call it. Bringing Wilton Knight into the new series is to help keep the original series fans enthused about this series. Whether it works or not who knows. What happened to Knight Industries and FLAG between 1986 and now? Maybe Dr. Graiman worked on another KARR prototype for the military while he was a professor at whatever college he taught at aka moonlighting on the side for some more cash. During the time that he was not capable of restarting the foundation. This would explain the half a billion that Sarah now has at her disposal. As for this pretty boy who was his assistant claimed that KITT was one of a kind, well maybe he never knew of the original KITT, because Graiman wanted to keep it classified. Would you want KITT's plans getting into the wrong hands. Look at Goliath. And maybe that's just it. The Foundation as we knew lost it's funding some how and was as Graiman said he wanted to do in the movie was to resurrect the foundation anyway, but he needed the feds to help get the ball rolling maybe.

I did enjoy seeing KITT out of Attack Mode for the Ski Mode and Turbo Boost. It did bring back memories of the old KITT doing the same. KITT going through KARR was great as well. I do have to give two thumbs up to the CGI crew.

You can't make everyone happy all of the time there's just no way. So no matter what you thought of tonight's episode I think we should hope that a second season is around the corner and hope it goes back to the way it should have been. All about Mike and KITT making a difference in individual lives.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:55 am
by coach41
I couldn't watch the episode live, so I recorded it and watched it on tape.

Overall, while I thought the episode was pretty solid overall, I admit being disappointed that KARR (and KITT) were hardly part of the episode. I had a feeling this was going to the case because we only got glimpses of KARR during his "re-programming" phase.

In both episodes of the original KR, KARR was the sole focus of the episodes. Sure, you had your various characters involved in discovering KARR, but once KARR appears, he is on screen a significant amount of time.

The various characters tonight dominated the show and usually there's nothing wrong with it. But when you have a show called Knight Rider featuring KARR, it's a shame that neither car had significant screen time (KITT in storage, KARR in re-programming).

I wonder if this was a case of the writers over thinking the concept of bringing KARR back. If they had stuck to the same storyline as in both previous KARR episodes (KARR being discovered and activated) and have KITT/Michael chasing and battling KARR at the end, I think most of us would have been happy.

Sure, some could claim that would have been boring and unoriginal. But at the end of the day, we just wanted to see KITT/KARR talk and battle it out.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:05 am
by Knight4life
One word "Dissapointed".Everything was rushed.Very short fight sequence b/w KITT & KARR.the episode opened with the stupid sexual content and T&A.Zoey and Billy acting stupid.The episode wasn't worth the hype,not even close.The last 2 episodes were great.This ruined it all.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:21 am
by Sue
This episode rocked! I loved KITT in normal mode. I wouldn't mind at all if the files he lost were the ones telling him how to transform into attack mode. :mrgreen:
I loved that FLAG is back.
Loved ski mode :good:
Loved the Indian Jones-esk area 51.
Loved KITT escaping by smashing through walls.
And I loved KARR. The whole end from the turbo boost to Mike walking out through the flames was so TOS.
Loved it! :good:

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:23 am
by ronni3
i havent seen this ep as it good?....i see a lot of disappointing bad is it?

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:48 am
by trstno1192
I just want to start out by saying I LOVE THE SHOW!!!!! I was a fan (and still am) of the original series. I just was also a bit dissapointed with tonights episode. I mean they spent so much time promoting the return of KARR (and all we got was about 10 min. worth) I loved the episode it self, glad there getting back to the roots of the show. I was just a bit put out, I was just hoping for more.

I do love the show........ :D :good:

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:51 am
by cloudkitt
It was good, but yes, it was disappointing. I'm not really concerned with the length of the fight, it was pretty action-packed and the fight in KITT vs KARR was pretty lackluster too.

The FAR bigger problem was how little KARR was actually in it. In KARR's other appearances he and KITT would have little mini encounters several times, the chase scene in Trust Doesn't Rust (after KARR kidnaps Bonnie) is great. Its funny, the villain in the last episode was memorable and great, but the one that's been foreboding all along gets a bit part.

The fight was fantastic and I have absolutely no qualms about, I'm even fine with its length. Easily the best CGI in the show so far, from KITT being tossed around to the Turbo Boost and the explosion. (Was the Ski mode real or not? I couldn't tell, which is a huge compliment for MasterKey) But the fight would have been a lot more meaningful had KARR been present throughout the episode. Not to mention their cop-out of simply not admitting whether its a new KARR or not.

I like the FLAG references and especially Wilton Knight, and I liked the implications of the end of this episode. (Is Zoe gonna be the mechanic now? If she is can we get rid of Sarah? It should have been her, Rivai and Torres, not Charles) I also liked the Billy chastised Zoe for fooling around. But, for the reasons I stated it was disappointing and yes, probably would have benefited from being a 2-parter if Mike and KITT had just fled. The last two-parter still stands as the best this series has seen so far.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:06 am
by Skav
I really want to let off some steam and say how crap this episode was after all the hype and general talk but I will try and be constructive as possible:

My venting really boils down to the lack of screen time KARR had and of course, the almost non existent final "battle".

Cullen indeed must have forgot how to talk like KARR because that was Optimus Prime in there. The two characters did have sort of the same tone of voice but there was enough distinction between the two to tell a difference.

Perhaps this may have been intentional to give the 08 KARR a distinction from the original but I think Transformers fans are really going to make fun of us KR fans after that!!!!

As for Torres death, I called exactly how it was going to play out. Ha!

Btw, his death was even more unconvincing than Mike's mom's death in the pilot.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that was one of the most unconvincing death scenes I have ever seen and I have seen plenty of tv shows and movies.

The final battle sucked. Period. Yeah, we got turbo boost and ski mode but did we get enough time to enjoy them? nope!

Did we even get a chance to enjoy that whole "battle"?!?

The story was great and the build up was exciting but it was the type of build up you have for a two part episode. Not a single, especially after all the backstory hupla that had been going on in the previous episodes leading up to all this.

I can't help but wonder if they planned to use the KARR episode for something completely different other than a reason for a reboot.

I'm sure if a reboot wasn't announced that they would have continued to take more time with the KARR plot and pace it a lot more.

Instead they used it as an excuse for an overhaul. And a rushed one at that.

Sorry people but this was meant to be the saving grace for the series and after what I saw, if the show doesn't get picked up then that will be it's own fault.

It's a shame because all it really came down to was a bit more pacing ie a two part episode to flesh it out.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:17 am
by DrWho2005
This would have been the perfect oppurtunity to bring back MK Senior.

Charles could have spent a minute or so telling Mike about his dad and KI2T and then he would have suggested that he call his father for help.

Ki2T would have help Mike break into Area51 and he would have died heroicly saving KI3T from Optimus karr.
As a tribute to Ki2T his memories would have been transfered into Ki3T to fill in the 'holes' and KI3T could have referenced the past without the fans even suggesting he is the old KI2T.

Mk Senior would of then joined FLAG again.

But of course this show makes it seem like the old KITT and old Karr never exsisted.

And why the hell would Gramain get all of FLAGS money like that?
I would have thought MK senior would get it.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:36 am
by Lord Zedd
I just saw the episode and I totally loved every bit of it. Never a dull moment. Great fighting scene between Kitt and Karr. Everything about the show I really love! Great episode.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:53 am
by krenigma
Hey, Krenigma from Master Key VFX (who does the VFX for Knight Rider for those who don't know :)

Quick clarification, PunkMaister, you mentioned that you didn't see the scene of Torres being thrown into wall as shown on greenscreen in a video on NBC's website... that's because that shot is when Torres is being put into KARR.

Glad everyone seems to dig the CGI in this episode! We worked really hard, ha ha, and it was nice chatting with those who saw us tonight (I was the black hoody guy)

MKVFX" onclick=";return false;

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:54 am
by krenigma
whoops, misspelled the link:" onclick=";return false;

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:34 am
by tosil
You's 5:12am est, I have been stuck at work all night, I started @ 7pm yesterday, so I was forced to record the show, and I have it ready to view at home. But after reading all the comments in here, I'm almost afraid to watch now. If 10 min is all we get to see KARR, than I'll say it right now, I'm already a bit disappointed. I have givin this show enough chances, I hope this episode will not change my mind.

Long live TOS.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:17 am
by Amir
This was definitely rushed. With tons of information coming our way, not to mention the whole KARR business, this was a two-parter in one. I don't think the final battle was really too short, but it seemed that way because we only really got to see KARR in the last few minutes. That was the problem - there was no KARR for most of the episode.

With them trying to fill in the blanks that would lead to the reboot and the next episodes with FLAG and all that, there wasn't enough time left in this 42-minute episode to really sink their teath into KARR's story. So yeah, that's a major let down. I don't really understand it. It really called for a 'to be continued'.

The episode was actually very good, I thought, and I really enjoyed it, but we had such huge expectations with it being 'a KARR episode' and they just weren't answered. Still, people claiming they'll never watch Knight Rider again is a bit ridiculous. This wasn't a bad episode by any stretch of the imagination.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:38 am
by hardcopi
That was both the best and worst show. It felt like a 2 hour show shortened. Obviously the Karr battle was too short. I would have felt better if Karr had beaten up Kitt for a while and then just shut down with Zoe and Billy hacking him or something. Or maybe have Torres activate a self destruct or something. Anything other than one hit blowing him up. Just sad.

The other thing that really bugged me is that there was no mention of finding Kitt's original module so afaik he is still using Radio Shack parts. That still said, while he is beaten up really bad, the nanites rebuilt him with the blink of an eye. He could fix himself in less than a second after a beating, while earlier in the season didn't he run off the road and it took him several minutes to fix himself?

I am still going to keep watching, but I am hoping they got to that point and were told wrap it up in 1 episode because it felt like they had to wrap it up in 5 minutes.


Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:51 am
by Wilton KnightIII
There is another death in this first Season did any notice that Alex died also. I guess I was the only one who noticed it. And now Sarah is in charge of F.L.A.G. does this mean the older Michael Knight is going to come back and give some advice to Mike and Sarah? Will we see Uncle Garth?

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:58 am
by whiskey
Great job on the SFX! The episode was rushed because of the huge story line that definitely should have been a two parter. It would have been nice to see more of KARR before transforming possibly with Torres behind the wheel battling it out against Michael & KI3T. Blame NBC for shelving the last 5 scripts.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:15 am
by kitkow
The nanites program was disabled due to the reboot. K3T didn't have all his programming in again until he got back to the SSC. That's when Zoe popped out of underneath K3T and said it is active. K3T then transformed from crashed to normal. On that note, I am thinking it MIGHT be possible that KARR may have nanite technology in him. Perhaps in some odd way they will bring him back through the healing process of the nanites and some oddity like in Terminator 2 where the morphing terminator was able to move his liquid self back to a whole even though the parts were scattered around. Unlike the original battle of KITT vs KARR, I don't remember seeing KARR's AI or scanner on the ground any where. I am thinking that the writers made it a short battle because there will be a bigger one in the future with the possibility of the above. If there isn't another episode with KARR, then I agree this was too short of a show for him. One way to lengthen the scene is maybe have KARR switch back to a car and having both cars hit ski mode at the same time to avoid each other.

I hope FLAG and K2T is brought back, or at least have K3T have more of an interpersonal relationship with Mike Jr. like K2T had with Mike Sr. :kitt:

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:25 am
by ronni3
ok i saw it..... wasnt too good....battle was short. the rescue was good.....but KARR went wayyyyyyy tooo easy and waaaaaaayyyyyyy too early.other than that the FLAG resurrection waas awesome.....and it was well done....MKF u did a splendid job. lets hope the ratings pick upp after this episode as the reboot officially beguns....

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:31 am
by Kaine
David Whiteheart wrote:I saw it and I thought it should have been a two hour episode like the previous two were, but for what it was I liked it for the most part. Granted the fight scene was a little too short for my taste, and was there a blooper in the fight scene? Mike grunts and moves before KARR even strikes KITT. Maybe it was just me. If that's the case then the old filming tactics from TOS is back anyway. Other than the fight scene being too short and the depth of the plot reading more like a cliff notes version of a two hour episode, which is probably more NBC's fault than the producers, because of money and time and the whole "green" crap that NBC is pushing probably killed any chance of a to be continued episode.

I hope and pray that the woman who's in charge at NBC doesn't kill the series. Because from what I've seen in the previews for next weeks episode they are getting back to the way the old show was and they are getting kids under 15 involved like the original did. And this time there's no guy sitting under the passenger seat driving the car, this one is actually a real RC car.

The whole throwing out the conection to the original series out the window I believe has not happened yet. They had to do these episodes this way to get a "new " generation, our kids, to watch this series since some have never seen the original nor care to watch it since it is "cheesy" as Hasselhoff's own kids call it. Bringing Wilton Knight into the new series is to help keep the original series fans enthused about this series. Whether it works or not who knows. What happened to Knight Industries and FLAG between 1986 and now? Maybe Dr. Graiman worked on another KARR prototype for the military while he was a professor at whatever college he taught at aka moonlighting on the side for some more cash. During the time that he was not capable of restarting the foundation. This would explain the half a billion that Sarah now has at her disposal. As for this pretty boy who was his assistant claimed that KITT was one of a kind, well maybe he never knew of the original KITT, because Graiman wanted to keep it classified. Would you want KITT's plans getting into the wrong hands. Look at Goliath. And maybe that's just it. The Foundation as we knew lost it's funding some how and was as Graiman said he wanted to do in the movie was to resurrect the foundation anyway, but he needed the feds to help get the ball rolling maybe.

I did enjoy seeing KITT out of Attack Mode for the Ski Mode and Turbo Boost. It did bring back memories of the old KITT doing the same. KITT going through KARR was great as well. I do have to give two thumbs up to the CGI crew.

You can't make everyone happy all of the time there's just no way. So no matter what you thought of tonight's episode I think we should hope that a second season is around the corner and hope it goes back to the way it should have been. All about Mike and KITT making a difference in individual lives.
that's exactly how i feel about the episode. i think it was great, but the end seemed a bit rushed. a 2-parter with a longer build up, KARR hunting down KITT and Mike, the battle (which looked fantastic) being the climax at the end of part 2 would have worked better.

the best scene in my opinion was when Mike broke into the NSA-person's house. leatherjacket, no gun, flashlight and searching for files or hints of where to find KITT, that felt like classic Knight Rider!
and in the same league was the scene when Mike restored KITT and both escaped from area 51, crashing through the gate under gunfire, this too had a Knight Rider feeling to it.
and last but not least the fight itself: ski mode, grappling hook and turboboost in less than 2 minutes, and on top of that all this in normal mode, not in stupid attack mode! man, i loved it!!!

regardless of what some here seem to think, this was the best episode yet! it had the right mixture of character moments, action, drama and comical relief. and on top of that it paid homage to TOS, while still working on it's own pretty well.
NBC, please please please give us more of that :!: :good:

oh, BTW:

SCC = Satelite Surveilance Chamber

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:35 am
by SerenityNow
Some questions, maybe I missed these while I was groaning during the show.

So, why did KARR need KITTs personality and program? Did they get it? Was it "copied" or "moved" to the internet? I know they said it was needed to override KARR's evil personality, but why not remove the original personality altogether? Why would KITT not wake up in that chassis? Did it have any effect at all?

Why did KARR *need* to bond to a driver, and why would he want Mike back now that he has Torres (surely Torres has superior information).

How did KARR know Michael Knight was Mike Traceur? As far as I can tell, he never saw the driver inside KITT, unless someone told him, if he searched databases, he'd find Mike T is dead?

KARR caught KITT awful fast? Did KARR have a Attack Mode (other than super robot, which was LAME!)?

Why the hatred of KITT? Fear KITT would shut him down, the original KARR was never afraid of KITT, he felt him inferior...

This could have been an amazing 2 parter, or a great setup for a recurring villian. Having a 2 minute battle and ending with KARRs destruction was lame!

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:45 am
*Sees there's three new posts already.* :shock:

None of that was explained, I hate shows that leave more questions than they answer, especially in a big episode.
tosil wrote:You's 5:12am est, I have been stuck at work all night, I started @ 7pm yesterday, so I was forced to record the show, and I have it ready to view at home. But after reading all the comments in here, I'm almost afraid to watch now. If 10 min is all we get to see KARR, than I'll say it right now, I'm already a bit disappointed. I have givin this show enough chances, I hope this episode will not change my mind.

Long live TOS.
Actually, from my count, KARR isn't even in the episode for five minutes, hell actually it's LESS than four minutes! Yes, KARR appears and gets destroyed in about FOUR freaking minutes!

This CAN be fixed, I think I've calmed down a bit, I still need to re-watch it but this could always be a copy of the original AI or based on it or the same AI with a wiped out memory bank or whatever and still come back, ugh yeah I'm trying to put some positive spin on it but if I don't it's just going to keep making me angry to see how lame this was. It's just a huge shame that they went with this how they did, it still feels like a huge waste.

Maybe another two part episode was in order but I didn't think that was going to happen after we just had one. It's just terrible execution, you don't build something up like that and only have it done that way in an amount of time that's almost as long as a commercial break, actually I'm sure there was a commercial break that was longer than the time KARR was on screen.

No real back story, Mike's past was totally rushed out of the way aside from the obviousness of his being KARR's driver with no explanation. KARR shouldn't have known the Michael Knight name, unless he got it from the data he obtained though he still would have probably called him Traceur as it would have made more sense. KARR was treated like an after thought and while they FINALLY mentioned FLAG, Wilton Knight and even the Knight Foundation, the episode (and others) have treated things as if the original KITT (or KARR) never existed.
Wilton KnightIII wrote:There is another death in this first Season did any notice that Alex died also. I guess I was the only one who noticed it. And now Sarah is in charge of F.L.A.G. does this mean the older Michael Knight is going to come back and give some advice to Mike and Sarah? Will we see Uncle Garth?
It's not that you're the only one that noticed it, it's just that it was obvious and Torres isn't a popular character so most people probably wouldn't even find it worth mentioning. Garthe is dead, should remain dead and never, EEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRRRR come back again. As for Hasselhoff, the chances of him coming back are slim to none unless NBC backs a money filled dump truck in front of his house and likely gives him creative control while Gary Scott Thompson and Ben Silverman as well as other idiots who were behind this show's direction, get on their knees to beg for him to come aboard. I had some hopes that he might have made a surprise appearance in the last episode but now I greatly doubt that. If it were to happen, even with a set clearing, it would have likely leaked out by now.

Re: Live Discussion - Knight to King's Pawn

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:48 am
by Kaine
SerenityNow wrote:Some questions, maybe I missed these while I was groaning during the show.

So, why did KARR need KITTs personality and program? Did they get it? Was it "copied" or "moved" to the internet? I know they said it was needed to override KARR's evil personality, but why not remove the original personality altogether? Why would KITT not wake up in that chassis? Did it have any effect at all?
some of these questions weren't answered in the show, so i'm guessing here. i think they needed KITT's chip, as it was superior to KARR's regarding safety mechanisms. since KITT was just a testbed for the new KARR chip there was no need to keep KITT around, once KARR would be reactivated, so instead of building another chip with KITT's specs (like Billy did) they just took it from KITT. the KITT personality was erased and replaced by KARR's.
SerenityNow wrote: Why did KARR *need* to bond to a driver, and why would he want Mike back now that he has Torres (surely Torres has superior information).
with the new safety mechanisms KARR needed to take orders from a human driver. so by bonding with a driver he could do what he wanted, since the driver was KARR. this way KARR outwitted his programming.
SerenityNow wrote: How did KARR know Michael Knight was Mike Traceur? As far as I can tell, he never saw the driver inside KITT, unless someone told him, if he searched databases, he'd find Mike T is dead?
because with KITT's chips he got his database too, just pure facts thoug, not the personality.
SerenityNow wrote: KARR caught KITT awful fast? Did KARR have a Attack Mode (other than super robot, which was LAME!)?
nope, don't think so. where KITT has (or hopefully had) attack mode, KARR had robot mode.
SerenityNow wrote: Why the hatred of KITT? Fear KITT would shut him down, the original KARR was never afraid of KITT, he felt him inferior...
yes, KITT was propably the only thing that could ever stop KARR, so going after KITT while he was still not fully operational made absolutely sense
SerenityNow wrote: This could have been an amazing 2 parter, or a great setup for a recurring villian. Having a 2 minute battle and ending with KARRs destruction was lame!
agreed. still i liked the episode very very much!!!!!