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Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:26 am
by Knight4life
The episode had a few flaws in it.But overall it has been the best episode by far.The episode mainly worked coz it had less humor,less romance,less bikini women.Decent acting by Justin,Sarah served her purpose to some extent in this episode.The one major thing i didn't like abt the episode was the same "Terrorist organisation/Weapons Smuggling/Afghanistan" sorta plot.As if the writer's are really impressed by President Bush's ideologies.The next episode deals with a similar plot.An Iranian Physicist ....... Nuclear weapons.I mean what the hell is this? I am a muslim,but i have an open mind abt the new series.They should produce episodes with different story telling.I don't recall much episodes or maybe any episodes from the TOS regarding IRAN or IRAQ or Muslims being terrorists? (sure there were political tensions in the Middle East back in the 80s).but we didn't find them in KR (TOS). Hope these points don't offend anyone religiously or racially.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:13 am
by Glissard
You want a bold move to step up the ratings, please some of the old school fans as well as the new, and bring some much needed depth to the characters? Kill off Sarah. Make it tragic. Make a bit of an homage to White Bird Stevie from the TOS. Have the rest of the cast react in a heavy way that brings out their human qualities, and stops the "gang all playing World of Warcraft in the basement, eh KITT Cave" attitude that they all have now. Things seem to be a little too "Save by the Bell"ish right now.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:08 am
by knight4424
First let me start by saying im new to this site so give me time to get comfortable

I loved everything about this episode. From the hole Mike might die if he doesn't get the antidote an the suspense that brought. To the growing partnership with Mike and KITT. And the reconnection that you are starting to see between Mike and Sarah.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:15 am
by Rockatteer
Kitt and the SCC is suppose to be a top secret project. Yet in this episode they both transformed Kitt right in front of the criminals eyes but they took him to the SCC with no blind fold on.

Doesn't seem very smart to me.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:28 am
Maybe they have "flashy things" like Men In Black? :lol:

Yes, I'm going to also quote myself here.
Sue wrote: I'm thinking that that car that flipped in the air was real and not a vfx, it sure looked real, either way it was cool.
Oops, I when I wrote what I did after you I was thinking of the scene with KITT. But yeah, they certainly did use an actual crash there. :D
PHOENIXZERO wrote:It was real because they obviously removed the "snow globe" from the dash (or it fell out), plus there didn't seem to be anyone in the car while it was spinning. :lol:
Okay, watching it again now I guess they did either have a dummy in the seat or the VFX team added someone, I doubt they'd actually have someone in there while the car was spinning though, heh.

Ugh, you can clearly tell where they removed some flashback scene. That spot where Mike is in his pod and Sarah comes in, he falls over and it does this slow motion thing. I think it's kind of obvious something was cut there.

I think the cop car scene showed a bit of KITT learning with his tapping into the police frequency without being told to do so like he was to reverse just before that.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:03 am
by goldbug
RobWolf wrote:Oh and the doors plot hole. Normal mode: normal doors. Attack Mode: 'Lambo' doors EXCEPT apparently if there is a plot hole in which case the doors can open normally, so then why have a different door mechanism at all?
How is it a plot hole if KITT clearly stated he was opening the doors that way to offer shielding for Mike and Sarah?

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:08 am
by goldbug
PHOENIXZERO wrote:Ugh, you can clearly tell where they removed some flashback scene. That spot where Mike is in his pod and Sarah comes in, he falls over and it does this slow motion thing. I think it's kind of obvious something was cut there.
Yeah, that and when he fades out towards to end to the beach sequence. Those were clearly intended for flashback scenes. I really think it's a mistake on NBC's part to take these scenes out. The show could use a good balance of "light" and "dark" elements.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:43 am
by Kram061-1
nbc will screw it up, they always do somehow.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:55 am
by Mango19
Rockatteer wrote:Kitt and the SCC is suppose to be a top secret project. Yet in this episode they both transformed Kitt right in front of the criminals eyes but they took him to the SCC with no blind fold on.

Doesn't seem very smart to me.
Easy fix. There's an oral aenesthesia called Verced that pretty much blows out all memory of the preceding hours. All they had to do was hand the guy a shot glass full of red liquid, tell him to drink it, and when he wakes up in FBI custody with no memory of how he got there or what transpired before.

Real stuff. My kid had it before surgery and didn't remember a thing.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:19 am
by youbelong
this episode is not good like the others episodes of this show this show is rediculous and it is not knight rider i'ts the joke and a graet farce He does not respect the spirit of the original concept 1 man can make a difference and sarah again is here with mike like every episode and after see 4 episode of this farce this show is a disaster and if this show continue with this way it goes cancelled in the end of 9 or 10 episode and iam sorry for all fan of knight rider around the globe

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:49 am
by RobWolf
No, I did hear KI3T's line about opening the doors normally to protect her from gunfire, but that was kinda my point, I don't think I explained it very well. I'll try again.

If the doors can open normally in Attack Mode, then why do they have the Lambo doors at all? I mean aside from looking a bit cooler, it's pointless. I had assumed that the Lambo doors were there for a technical reason, ie something to do with the mechanics of Attack Mode meant that it couldn't have normal-style doors. But this whole sequence with him being in Attack Mode but having normal doors just screams 'plot hole'.

Surely it would have made more sense to have him shift into Normal Mode as he pulled up?

Oh and BTW, during the debate over which 'weapon' to use to stop the bad guy's 4X4 (I don't like KI3T having weapons, old KITT got along fine without them), was I the only one who was thinking of Knight Rider 2000, where KIFT had that 'Thermal Expander' to burst tyres? Come to think of it, KIFT's sonic weapons would be a good idea in the new show, KI3T having non-lethal weapons is more acceptible to me.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:23 pm
by goldbug
RobWolf wrote:If the doors can open normally in Attack Mode, then why do they have the Lambo doors at all?
I'm not going to be disingenuous and claim that most of the reason isn't for looks, it clearly is. However, lambo doors are also useful if you're in a spot where opening your doors wide is not an option and you need to get into the car (such as tight parking spots). I'm not saying that's KR08's rationale, I'm just offering up a real life reason. In the show, it could be as simple as Graiman liked lambo doors and wanted them to be worked into the design. I don't have to have every last little element of a show explained. Then again, I've never been much of a nit picker.
RobWolf wrote:Surely it would have made more sense to have him shift into Normal Mode as he pulled up?
But then if you wanted to nit-pick, you could say "Why bother switch into normal mode? Why not just make doors that can swing both ways?" See, nitpicking works both ways. It's a double edged sword.
RobWolf wrote:Oh and BTW, during the debate over which 'weapon' to use to stop the bad guy's 4X4 (I don't like KI3T having weapons, old KITT got along fine without them),
Both "weapons" we've seen KITT have so far (the laser and grappler) are both items KI2T had. A Knight Industries car having weapons is hardly new. I would also argue the grappling hook is not even really a weapon since 9 out of 10 times when a grappling hook is used it's used to help tow something or pull another vehicle out of trouble.
RobWolf wrote:was I the only one who was thinking of Knight Rider 2000, where KIFT had that 'Thermal Expander' to burst tyres? Come to think of it, KIFT's sonic weapons would be a good idea in the new show, KI3T having non-lethal weapons is more acceptible to me.
I actually did think of that but reminded myself KIFT was a whole different car in another timeline, so I quickly dismissed the idea.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:50 pm
by _K3000_
Kram061-1 wrote:
BUT if you watch closely on the teaser, you see Sarah's hair in the passenger seat
at least she ain't driving......oh wait, sure she will be, as soon as Michael passes out....I forgot, KITT has no Auto Mode
ahhh KITT does have auto mode LOL what the heck are you watching? no offense

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:53 pm
by _K3000_
This episode @&^# rocked! Mike getting poisoned and almost dying alrighty just like the 80's series Dead Of Knight accept the hoff did not actually die for a few minutes like in this one.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:10 pm
by Shapeshifter
I'm seeing some nit-picky criticisms here, and of course from the haters who are convinced that the whole show is just irredeemable. They will never be happy.

I feel, with regard to this episode, that the show went to another level of competency. It was better acted, better written, and in general more engaging than any previous episode. I think if they can hold this level, they not only stand a good chance at a full run this year (which BTW is almost assured, given Wednesday's numbers) but it can actually become a show that can stand on it's own as a quality program.

I don't get too specific, that's not how I watch television. But if it holds my attention, if I care about the characters and what happens to them, then I will forgive almost any technical problem. In that regard, I think I'm more like a casual viewer than a die-hard fan. And, in that regard, I think Episode 4 delivered big-time, and for me was the first episode to do so.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:06 pm
by TallSox08
I read all of the posts and I don't think anyone mentioned a major nod to TOS...When Torres is explaining the next mission to Mike the camera angles and shots are virtually identical to the ending sequence of the first few episodes in season 1, when KITT would be driving on a winding road and Wilton Knight would have a voiceover and would end every episode with "The world of the Knight Rider."

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:20 pm
by Knight-Armen
The story was very good but again the characters are just way out of my expectations. Mike and Sarah are turning the show into a love story! :evil:
The chinese girl is getting really annoying and in some cases you might percieve her as retarded, like for instance when she tastes the blood from Mikes clothes in the Ki3t cave. Surely it's not the case that an individual with capabilities to speak 9 different languages would fool around like that?
Ki3t again lacks a sense of humor and the voice is starting to sound like Darth Vader, perhaps you haven't yet noticed but try to put your ears around that when you get to him in the next episode.

All in all, the plot was good but the love story is not preferable, IMO

Very excited about the next episode as I am an iranian myself :D

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:25 pm
by Sue
Knight-Armen wrote: like for instance when she tastes the blood from Mikes clothes in the Ki3t cave.
eh? Were we watching the same show? But anyway she knew it was fake blood made from syrup.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:37 pm
by Knight-Armen
eh? Were we watching the same show? But anyway she knew it was fake blood made from syrup.
I'm not sure of what you're talking about. Just because it's fake blood doesn't mean you should taste it. :roll:

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:46 pm
by weeezl
Was'nt it Darion Richards, the billionare guy they staged the fake assassination on's blood?

He says something like "if Id known you were using so much fake blood, Id have worn a less expensive shirt"

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:20 pm
by Trendane
goldbug wrote:However, lambo doors are also useful if you're in a spot where opening your doors wide is not an option and you need to get into the car (such as tight parking spots).
Another possibility is that, given the high speeds KI3T can attain in "attack mode", trying to open the door to the side would be more than any human on the show could manage. (you try holding a car door against a 200+ mph wind). The vertical option presents a much smaller aerodynamic profile and would be much easier to manage.

It might be interesting to see them do a high-speed passenger exchange that way!

Shapeshifter wrote:I feel, with regard to this episode, that the show went to another level of competency. It was better acted, better written, and in general more engaging than any previous episode. I think if they can hold this level, they not only stand a good chance at a full run this year (which BTW is almost assured, given Wednesday's numbers) but it can actually become a show that can stand on it's own as a quality program.
I am very much incline to agree with you, Shapeshifter (*LOVE* the name, by the way. But then, I'm a werewolf big surprise there). This episode had a measurably more solid feel to it. Many of the actors seemed vastly more comfortable in their performances as opposed to fighting through something which felt unnatural to them.

When I watch the two-hour movie...I was hesitant, but hopeful. Then the first gew episodes quickly pushed me toward the more negative viewpoint. I found myself wanting to watch the movie again to get back to something more enjoyable. Then "A Hard Day's Knight" came out.....and I'm happy to say that I have hope again. It wasn't perfect by any means. It definitely had its flaws and things that just made want to shout "WTF???" at the screen.......but it's better. A marked improvement.

I hope the numbers show that this is more of the direction they need to go.

As for Sarah always being of the plot point aspects for that is that she makes an excellent 'weakness' for Mike. As they grow closer and more intimate, her presence will become a great hinderance to his ability to do his job efficiently. Anything which threatens her becomes a distraction. And if anything *did* happen to her....I can easily see Mike falling off the "hero" wagon and doing some more "things he's not proud of" he said he did in Iraq.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:36 pm
This was by far the best epsiode thus far. I think the show has alot of potential and hopefully nbc and the writers are reading the posts here. I am a die hard original KR fan, and that has motivated me to watch Team Knight Rider, and KR 2000 and now the new one. I only hope that they can continue to make this better. Stopping the transformations will be the best start. There was less CGI this time, that was good. And attempt to make camera shots of Mike and company in KITT look real during driving scenes. It would also be awesome for some story lines tied to the original

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:33 pm
by _K3000_
Stopping the transformations will be the best start.

DUDE NO! The transformation thing is freakin awesome so I would have to disagree with you. THAT is what makes this KITT more modern alright. Plus so many people are calling KITT a transformer! HE IS NOT! KITT does not turn into a ginormous freakin robot so basically that does not make him a transformer.

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:08 pm
by cloudkitt
Shapeshifter wrote:(which BTW is almost assured, given Wednesday's numbers)
What were the numbers? Are they out yet?

Re: Live Discussion Thread: A Hard Day's Knight

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:11 pm
by weeezl
cloudkitt wrote: What were the numbers? Are they out yet?
Check out this thread, looks promising!

viewtopic.php?f=1046&t=12660" onclick=";return false;