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Trying to rank all Knight Rider episodes across all series

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 4:31 pm
by Michael Pajaro
If my math is correct, there are 126 episodes of Knight Rider spanning 3 TV series and 3 made-for-TV movies.

84 Classic Knight Rider (counting 2-hour episodes as single shows)
22 Team Knight Rider
17 Knight Rider '08
Knight Rider 2000
Knight Rider 2010
Knight Rider '08 movie

If you were to rank all 126 episodes, I assume most of us would have the top 10 or top 20 slots filled with shows from the original series. My question is this: how far down the list would you go before you hit an episode that wasn't from the original? Where would the best episode of Team Knight Rider rank compared to the worst episode of Knight Rider or Knight Rider '08?

For me, A Knight in Shining Armor, the first hour-long episode of KR '08 would probably crack the top 20. Maybe I just got caught up in the hype of the show coming back but those first 10 minutes alone were incredible. Maybe as high as #15.

The best TKR episode, Legion of Doom (finale), would land around #70-80 - Higher than the other 21 episodes, better than 5-10 of the original and some of '08.

Knight Rider 2000 - not a big fan - maybe around 90.

#126 is probably Knight Rider 2010. I haven't seen it in many years but I remember it being painful.

This is hard. Anyone else want to mix up the entire franchise and spit out some numbers?

Re: Trying to rank all Knight Rider episodes across all seri

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:25 pm
by jup
I couldn't even begin to think of this list without a mega marathon. I just know that 2010 would be at the very bottom for basically being a plot that could have just as easily been a Mad Max franchise movie, 2000 would be a hard to place listing as that movie never quite felt right, (It...arg...was far too aggressive with the movements of progress and stepped all over characters. Yet, it did reunite beloved characters and tried to tie two generations together. I...I just don't know.) Knight of the Phoenix would always remain #1 and KR '08 would probably have a better percentage of episodes that ranked above TKR episodes.

Re: Trying to rank all Knight Rider episodes across all seri

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 3:07 pm
by KFCreator
For me, I think the Knight Rider 2008 pilot would possibly crack the top 10 for me (definitely the top 20). Same with the episode "Knight to King's Pawn" from that series. Knight Rider 2010 actually wouldn't be at the bottom of the list for me, there are atrocious episodes of both TKR and the classic series that I cannot stand ("Voodoo Knight," anyone?) that would likely claim those spots, but 2010 would certainly be in the bottom ten for sure. Knight Rider 2000 isn't my favorite but it has it's own charm and would probably be in the top 30 or 40. My all-time favorite actually might not be "Knight of the Phoenix," it could easily be "Soul Survivor," "Junkyard Dog," "Knightmares," or "Knight of the Juggernaut." But it would certainly make the top 5. I could see "Legion of Doom" from TKR making it into the top 30 or 40 maybe. It's not a great episode in terms of quality, but it sure is fun to watch. Not sure where the other episodes of TKR would rank, most of them would be much lower. "K.R.O." is the only other one I can think of that might make the top 50.