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Future Cars

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:07 pm
by ckeller22
I saw a great show tonight on the science channel called future cars. A lot of the old and new Knight Rider technology was shown on the show. They think in about thirty years this technology will be real and in use. They talked about a automatrix in which cars talk to each other the road and other various information highways. The car will call if you are late and even talk for you. They believe it will get to the point were the cars will actually drive you every where. They also discussed nanotechnology were cars will heal themselves.They say it is a real technology that can be done. I found this show very interesting and it's great to see Knight Rider technology coming to the real world.

Re: Future Cars

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:33 pm
by Lost Knight
That nanotechnology would have came in handy when my car's rear end got clipped 4 times in a year by people who can't parallel park. I'd imagine that would put most auto body shops out of business, though. Anyway, what's great about Knight Rider is that it's sort of a pioneer in this particular idea of entertainment. I love how the franchise is credited when a lot of new technology comes to fruition, despite the cheap shots that are constantly taken at it for some of the the '80s cheesiness.

Re: Future Cars

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:04 am
by seeker78
Actually cars can already drive themselves, though it is only experimental.

This car won the Darpa Urban Challenge in which cars drove themselves among buildings etc.

DARPA had that race with the intent that eventually, you would have military vehicles bringing supplies etc to the battlefield with no driver.

However it has the civilian application of in theory having a car drive itself on the highway. :)